During the last three years we have received blessings that we didn’t see coming, including several Legacy Gifts. There are many ways to give these gifts from an estate and a trained attorney or financial advisor can explain them better than I can. We want to thank you in advance for considering our organization for a Legacy Gift.
When we receive Legacy Gifts, they are placed in our long-term stability account and thoughtfully invested with the help of professionals. These gifts are building the foundation for our longer-term goals, one of which is to build a concert hall here in Fredericksburg, Texas, so that we can have our concerts in our own facility.
Having our own place to hold concerts would also allow us to really grow and do many more things. We would like to hold piano competitions in the hall, and offer it as a recording studio for groups who wish to record their work.
We would also open it to different types of music festivals, many local choirs could use it for their performances, and the local string orchestra could use it for performances and practice. We give a heartfelt thank you to those who have already provided us with Legacy Gifts. It continues to make a difference to our organization.