Fredericksburg Music Club, Inc.




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Fredericksburg Music Club Hall Of Fame


Alma Dietel, Mrs. William Dietel, founded the Fredericksburg Music Club in 1937. Alma encouraged other ladies who had an interest in classical music to join. The original Music Club was strictly a ladies’ club whose members met each month on a Tuesday evening at one of the ladies homes. Alma Dietel’s daughter, Erna Dietel Heinen, was also very active in the original music club. The ladies met faithfully for many years and it wasn’t until many years later, that the membership was extended to both men and women.



Fredericksburg Music Club Founder Mrs. Alma Dietel
Mrs. Alma Dietel
July 8 1887 - February 23 1981

Erna Dietel Heinen, daughter of Music Club founder Alma Dietel, took over for her mother in the early years of the growth of the Music Study Club.  Erna was a reporter for the Radio Post society page and used this talent to give the Music Study Club very good publicity in the newspaper.  She was very active in the community so her positive influence in the Music Club helped gain much needed support during the early years of its existence.  During her tenure in the Music Club she served several offices including president. 

Erna Dietel Heinen
January 10, 1915 – March 29, 2006

Voy Althaus served as the president of the Music Club twice. He was president for the first time in 2001 when the bylaws were ratified. Voy also served twice as vice president until Oscar Metzger resigned the president’s position because of cancer. Then Voy was moved back into the position of president for a shortened term.

Voy wrote the current bylaws and got them approved by the IRS. Voy was the one who changed the accounting year from the calendar year to the concert season and got that change approved by the IRS. Voy also changed the accounting system from a cash basis to an accrual basis so cost and expenses could be placed into their concert season where they belonged and he got this approved by the IRS as well. Voy also headed the committee that wrote the bylaws for the Foundation and got the Foundation approved by the IRS.

Voy Althaus

Mr. Voy Althaus

Frances Ernst Gibson, a very gifted pianist and organist, studied piano and organ at Our Lady of the Lake University and then received her graduate studies at the University of Texas in Austin. She was on track to becoming a concert pianist but due to her father’s failing health she moved back to Fredericksburg. The Fredericksburg Music Club is so fortunate that Frances moved back to Fredericksburg. Soon after coming back home she became an active member of the Music Club. Under Frances’ leadership the Music Study Club transformed from a women’s only club of 33 members to the Fredericksburg Music Club, an incorporated, tax-exempt organization. Over the years Frances has been Program Chairperson for 18 years and president for over 3 years. She continues to direct the Music Club in an Advisory position.

Edwin Gibson helped Frances support the Music Club in many ways. He and Frances hand delivered the incorporation papers to Austin so that the Music Club could gain its incorporated tax-exempt status. Edwin also spent many days and late evenings writing grant proposals requesting money to help build a performing arts center where performers of (both music and theater) could perform.

Frances Ernst Gibson

Mrs. Frances Ernst Gibson


Fredericksburg Music Club, Inc. - 501 (C) 3 Organization
P.O. Box 1214, Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

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